Wednesday, March 08, 2006


Democrats Should Launch A Preemptive Attack Against Iran

The Rolling Stone argues Democrats are going to suffer a repeat of 2002, as Rove, et al., use national security as a wedge issue, by kicking off a crisis with Iran. Andromeda has obtained an advance copy of the simple force resolution which will be used:
Honestly, I think we should just trust our president in every decision that he makes and we should just support that.

The Democrats will be forced, then, by their weak-kneed, limp-wristed base, to vote against our troops, thereby guaranteeing that Rove won't have to use Plan B (The Diebold Option)...again.

But what can be done to prevent this? Only one thing: thermonuclear war.

It's true the Democrats do not currently possess much of a nuclear arsenal, but how hard could it be to get one? The Bush Administration has completely ignored North Korea and practically encouraged Pakistan's A.Q. Khan, so the Democrats should be able to pick up a few megatons in no time. The most difficult thing will be finding one of those giant screens for showing the missiles headed toward Tehran. And some sort of countdown clock in the corner. A rotating "emergency light" or two, and they're ready to go.

Being against war means not being elected. The choice is clear.

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