Tuesday, March 07, 2006


The Coming Storm

Yes, the latest observations show the probability of 2004 VD17 impacting Earth skyrocketing further -- from 0.075% to 0.076%. But that's not for 96 years, and we've got an even more imminent disaster from space looming.

In a very short time, possibly enough time to get your affairs in order, the sun will explode -- yes, explode -- in another cycle of solar activity. This round could be 30-50% greater than the last cycle. What could this mean?

  1. Continent-wide power outages such as happened in Quebec.

  2. Astronauts spontaneously combusting.

  3. Passengers on short commuter flights receiving dosages of radiation equivalent to three weeks in a microwave.

  4. The heating and thermal expansion of the upper atmosphere, causing satellite orbits to deteriorate, raining satellite parts down upon 80% of the Earth's surface.

Of course, 30-50% increase over the last cycle may not mean so much if the last cycle was unusually weak. Hmm, that's exactly what NCAR's little graph shows. It also shows the predicted horror is actually not even the most active solar cycle in the last fifty years. And then there's the fact that this is a new method of predicting highly unpredictable solar cycles, and it has a very large margin of error.

But look at all the things that could happen!

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