Thursday, February 09, 2006


David Blaine -- Your Magic Is Real

As the most vocal, influential, and prestigious science blog to support the ideas of Alex Mayer (no link available), we are deeply disappointed and saddened to see the blinkered, pig-ignorant, Big Bang idolators, dogmatists, and doctrinarians at Stanford have not only taken down his site, but deleted his name from their listing of "Visiting Scholars." There's the end of that little visit. Just goes to show, if you don't parrot the party line in the science biz, they'll crush you like a freakin' Periplaneta americana. No matter that their precious Big Bang theory is hanging together with duct tape and baling wire, no, all that matters is that the global megacorporations keep the masses somnolent with the Big Bang fairy tale. Well, you can all go back to sleep now, that big, bad monster "gravitational transverse redshift" is all gone.

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