Wednesday, January 18, 2006


Test Your Patriotism

President Bush said recently:

The American people know the difference between responsible and irresponsible debate when they see it. They know the difference between honest critics who question the way the war is being prosecuted and partisan critics who claim that we acted in Iraq because of oil, or because of Israel, or because we misled the American people. And they know the difference between a loyal opposition that points out what is wrong, and defeatists who refuse to see that anything is right.

But is anything the President says true? That is, do the American people know the difference between "a debate that brings credit to our democracy" and one that gives "comfort to our adversaries"? This quiz will both test that assumption and, hopefully, perform the patriotic service of helping Americans know what they can and cannot say.

Mark the following as "credit to democracy" or "comfort to adversaries":

  1. Asking, "is anything the President says true?"
  2. Pointing out there is oil in Iraq.
  3. Pointing out there is oil in Iraq, and none in North Korea.
  4. Pointing out there is oil in Iraq, none in North Korea, and lots and lots more of that oh, so, delicious oil, in Iran.
  5. Revealing an illegal domestic spying program to the press, at great harm to the President's political standing.
  6. Revealing the identity of covert CIA agent to the press, in an idiotic attempt to protect the President from great harm to his political standing.
  7. Filing a lawsuit complaining of illegal wiretapping.
  8. Failing to voluntarily wiretap yourself.
  9. Calling for a government of "laws not men" supported by "checks and balances"
  10. Al Gore
  11. Jack Abramof, Tom Delay, Bob Ney, Bill Frist
  12. Mentioning Jack Abramof, Tom Delay, Bob Ney, Bill Frist as a group

ANSWER KEY: If any answer was given to 1-12, you have given "Comfort to adversaries." Patriots do not question things. Assuming answers were given, score as follows: 1. CTA. 2. CTD -- we need to know where the oil is. 3. CTD -- we need to know where it isn't. 4. CTD -- we need to know where lots and lots of that oh, so, delicious oil is. 5. CTA -- People don't need to know these things. 6. CTD -- People need to know these things. 7. CTA -- This will only force the Executive Branch to ignore the Judiciary Branch, and it's hard enough just ignoring the Legislative Branch. 8. CTA -- wiretapping yourself is patriotic, provided the microphone is placed in a manner consistent with Leviticus. 9. CTA -- first, this kind of talk threatens the "plenary" power of the Commander-in-Chief; second, these requirements would make building a democracy in Iraq very difficult. 10. Extremely CTA. 11. CTD -- a great bunch of guys. 12. CTA.

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