Thursday, December 22, 2005


Rockefeller's Diary

We here at Andromeda have heard many condemn Sen. Rockefeller for his general fecklessness as the senior Democrat on the Senate Intelligence Committee, for his weakness in negotiating with Sen. Roberts on post-9-11 inquiries, and now a general wimpiness in writing a mild mealy-mouthed letter (pdf) to Vice President Cheney after learning of illegal spying. But we have obtained a copy of his personal diary and so we know what kind of fella this "rock" is.

July 17, 2003 Dear Diary,

I just had my first big intelligence meeting on the Intelligence Committee! It was very exciting! But I don't think Dick Cheney liked me very much. [frowny face picture] Pat Roberts has been really nice, though, and I would tell no one this but you, Diary, and don't you dare tell anyone, but -- I think he LIKES me! While we were talking to Dick Cheney, Pat put his hand directly on my shoulder. I turned to look at his hand, and he looked right back at me! He just kept looking! I nearly passed out. His beady little eyes are just so DREAMY!

Anyway, Diary, Dick Cheney said something about spying on people, I didn't quite catch who. I wrote him a letter in case he is doing something wrong, and I showed it to Pat and he made me change it. I had to re-write the whole letter right in front of him -- and he took both copies with him. He said he would give one to Dick Cheney and he would put one in the Intelligence Committee safe. He said he would give me the combination soon, he just wasn't sure I was ready for it yet.

July 18, 2003 Dear Diary,

Dick Cheney is so MEAN! I told him I had to write the letter, because of my constituents and the constitution and stuff and he just got madder and madder. I was going to tell him Pat told me what to write, but I didn't want Pat made at me, too. I told Dick I was sorry, but he said I would have to say sorry to all the people killed on 9-11.

July 19, 2003 Dear Diary,

Pat did not talk to me at ALL today. I wonder what is going on?

Hopefully, that will end all those snide comments about whether a sock puppet would be as good as Sen. Rockefeller on the Intelligence Committee.

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