Friday, August 05, 2005


Wayne Hale, MBA

Wayne Hale claims he has no MBA. B.S. as Mech.E from Rice, M.S. as Mech.E from Purdue, that's all his bio says. Yet, at every post-MMT briefing, he insists on mystifying us with B-school jargon. "MBWA"? He claims that means "management by wandering around." But how would he know that? Still, we don't think he's getting very good grades in his B-school classes, because it actually means "management by waltzing around." As in, just barging in, exploding with meaningless business school terminology to show how important you are, and sashaying out, asking yourself, "Who were those people? Who were those little, little people?" According to one engineer -- exclusive to Andromeda! -- Hale actually climbed on top of a table of insulation blanket material, stomping on the insulation as he crowed, "Dep-u-tee! Dep-u-tee!" while rubbing his thighs.

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