Sunday, August 14, 2005


U.S. Threatens To Invade Itself

Despite U.N. resolution after U.N. resolution, we now learn US-controlled Iraq is building weapons of mass destruction!

The U.S. has certainly been more than patient with itself, but clearly, it would be a pointless endeavor for the U.S. to molly-coddle the U.S. with more and more inspections -- if the U.N. again shows its irrelevance by failing to stop U.S.-controlled Iraq from building these dangerous weapons, it is up to the U.S. to take action -- because the very next warning may be a Mushroom Cloud.

Consequently, the U.S. has given itself a deadline. By August 20, 2005, the U.S. must provide itself indisputable proof that it has destroyed all WMD and WMD-related activities in U.S.-controlled Iraq. Absent proof acceptable to the U.S., the U.S. will immediately commence military action. "These people hate freedom!" declared President Bush, vowing to "take out" command and control, "even if the cowardly U.S. leadership uses the Washington, D.C. population as human shields."

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