Friday, July 08, 2005


Blog Coverage of Blog Coverage Improving

Long, long ago, in the caveman days, blogs could only be self-referential. "Yesterday, I said this, and the day before that I said that," would blog the bold blogger. Then someone, possibly me, came up with the idea of what I will call "linking," and suddenly it became possible for one blog to "link" to another, vastly expanding -- and yet retaining -- the core concept of blogging, i.e., self-referentialism. This was known as the Golden Age of Blogging.

But nowadays there is TV, also known as cable TV. As blogs' awesome power has grown, the TV crowd have grown jealous and attempted to crush all blogging, by making it boring, i.e., by reporting on it.

Yet, blogging is not merely a fad, a fashion, a trend, nor even a movement. It is an elemental universal force. So it did what it because of what it is must do: it swallowed the TV reporting on blogging. So DC Fishbowl provides updates on developments at CNN's "Inside the Blogs," as does TV Newser and a blog is dedicated to just the co-host of the CNN show (I Luv Abbi Tatton Blog).

But who will keep us updated on these blogs reporting on cable reporting on blogs?

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