Friday, April 15, 2005



Gone a long time, I guess. Went back to Andromeda, see the 'rents. They live on a dirty street on a dirty planet on the dirty side of the galaxy. In Andromeda, they have no bankruptcy. The people just pay and pay.

The creditors came by while I was there, they needed to re-install the phone.

"We don't want the phone!" wailed my parents. They don't understand anything, because they're so old.

"You have to have the phone!" said the creditors.

It's true what the creditors say. How are they going to call you to get you to pay your bills if you don't have a phone? Silly old parents.

"How will we pay the phone bill?" whined my parents.

"You have to pay it every month. You have to pay your bills!" snorted the creditors. And they are right. Bills must be paid.

"But how?" they cried.

The creditors responded, "You must." That's true, they must, everyone must pay the bills.

The phone rang. The creditors answered it. It was the creditors calling. The creditors agreed to pay in full in ten days. They told my parents, "You must pay in full in ten days."

"But what about our medicine?" wept my stupid old parents. It's always "medicine, medicine!" with them.

"You must pay for that, too," answered the creditors. "In full," they added. "In ten days!" chirps one.

"But we haven't received our medicine!" My parents said this, sobbing into their wrinkled hands.

"You didn't pay the last bill," said the creditors, and they are right, I can see the bill right there, on the wobbly kitchen table.

While I was in Andromeda, I worried terribly about creditors in America. They were only making money hand over fist under the current law, while they tempted and deceived innocent consumers with false promises of low interest rates and high credit limits. But a small percentage of the poorest people were declaring "bankruptcy" due to medical bills, unemployment, etc. These people were not paying their bills!

What a relief to return and find a new law will save the multibillion-dollar, multi-national credit card companies and banks from the small percentage of poor people who were not paying the hidden fees, and surprise interest rates, and secret charges. The new law will make it so many people will not be able to seek bankruptcy at all! They will just pay and pay.

I had a lot bills to pay when I got back. I went to the bank to cash in my stocks and bonds. The bank told me the stocks and bonds I have invested in all my life were worthless, because the companies had paid their executives such high bonuses the companies all went bankrupt. I went back and checked the law to be sure there was no protection at all against bankruptcy abuse by corporations. Hooray! there wasn't!

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