Sunday, February 06, 2005


A Vorpal Crisis

Beware the Jabberwock, my son,
If you've nothing else to do.
But if you want to be really scared,
I've got the beast for you.

It has three heads upon a neck
That is something like a squirrel's.
One head's a duck, and one's a goose,
The last is a two-headed burro's.

It has four slithy hoofs
And possibly two paws.
Upon three manxsome legs
It stands, each hoof with twenty claws.

Its fangs with fangs on fangs
Line six god-frabjous beaks.
Two toothbrushes in each hand,
But flossing takes two weeks.

So if you lie awake each night,
Fearing heartbreak of psoriasis,
You'd wet your pants — your neighbor's, too —
To meet: the Social Security Criasis.

But mighty George, he stood one day
Upon his tulgey steed,
The horse he moved, George nearly fell —
So he finally took his seat.

From there he gazed o'er his domain,
All he saw, he admired.
But that wasn't much, with his helmet backward,
Because his eyes were tired.

He sauntered out into the night
His horsie sauntered, too,
He sauntered out his sword and then
Sauntered a flower in two.

But as the tulip paid the price
For floral insolence
Brave George heard a gurgling cry!
From his incontinence —

For there it was! The fulsome critter!
That made his bowels stir
With fulsome courage, and his bladder
Boldly wet his horsie's fur.

It roared a roaring roar so loud
The Social Security Crisis
Might have lost its hearing, too,
But its ears were where its eyes is.

Its eyes were big, its ears were large,
Its deficit was huge!
George raised his private accounts up high
And slew and slew and slew.

It doesn't matter how much it cost
But it was twenty trillion.
It doesn't matter cause it's all debt,
We can leave it to our children.

The Crisis is dead, hooray for George!
He brought us all serenity:
Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley,
Merrill Lynch, and Fidelity.

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