Friday, February 18, 2005


Douglas Feith: Promoting Democracy, Respecting Sovereignty, and Kicking Ass

For those of you who foolishly believed that imposing governments on occupied peoples was hard to reconcile with respecting democracy, or that invading countries was somewhat contradictory with respecting sovereignty, Douglas Feith has all the answers. Not only can we do all that, we can even cozy up to dictators, prop up autocratic regimes, ignore the crushing of political dissent and turn a blind eye to torture, all the while supporting "moderation, democracy, sound economics and healthy civil society." Oh, wait, how did that bit about "sound economics" get in there? Of course, of course, it turns out "sound economics" is what we really mean by "democracy." And by "sound economics," we mean opening up markets to the American mega-corporations who can teach repressive regimes a thing or two about oppression. And, some day, all the workers of the world will finally unite and say as one, "Would you like fries with that?"

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