Saturday, January 29, 2005


Spotlight on Fashion

Following up on yesterday's entry, we note that many readers write to Andromeda for fashion tips. True, most of this email was intended -- with the shiny-eyed optimism and clumsy-fingered typing skills that typify the fashion-conscious -- for the so-far non-existent, but Andromeda will rise to the occasion, offering fashion insights, from a galactic point of view.

To begin with, from a galactic point of view, it's really hard to tell the difference between voile and toile à voile. Or between clothed and unclothed. Or even between a clothed and unclothed Central Park. In all honesty, from a galactic point of view, you really have to get to the nebula level to make a noticeable fashion statement.

It's easy to get lost in the crowd when you're a nebula, so choose something colorful. Hydrogen-red is always "in," but what's wrong with a little make-up to highlight your sulfur ions? Or try some intense ultra-violet radiation to achieve a multicolored glow! And it's not all about color — how about a pleasing hourglass figure?

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